join us for our 50 hour


yoga teacher training

our motive

to expand the minds of Registered Yoga Teachers. we want to give you the knowledge required to support your clients through every phase of their movement journey. we want you to feel confident, empowered and ready to hold space for every body in your circle.

join us


Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training

Saturday November 1st 1pm-6pm
Sunday November 2nd 1pm-6pm
Saturday November 8th 1pm-6pm
Sunday November 9th 1pm-6pm
enrol now

meet your teacher

Nat Flood


founder + creative director of SHAMANA CIRCLE, Nat is bringing more than a decade of prenatal and postpartum movement experience into SHAMANA METHOD's Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training. this empowering course will bring you one step closer to facilitating a dynamic prenatal yoga class. built on the principles of yoga and developmental kinesiology, Nat has created a fluid, strong and impactful yoga class for birthing bodies. build confidence, awareness and determination in all of your birthing and postpartum clients. they
deserve it.

our why

we are dedicated to bringing you the most current information in the birthing and movement world. our founding partner, Nat, opened SHAMANA CIRCLE striving to create a community of mothers who craved healing. after suffering a traumatic birth experience, Nat had a long road recovering mentally and physically. it took support, education and a community of people to move beyond the experience. since then, the way she teaches prenatal and postpartum bodies has changed drastically for the better. her next birth experience was the most empowering time of her life and it was due to following the program at SHAMANA CIRCLE. the most important part of the program is giving the knowledge to others. this work is the litteral back bone of our studio. and we can't wait to share it with you.

from our graduates


Nat is AMAZING! Love her! She is so inspiring and I can't wait to take another course with her. The course was presented in a very clear way. It was incredibly engaging and interesting along every step of the way.

Tamsyn Doran
Hamiton, BM

Natalie is very passionate and knowledgeable not only about the physical movement that mamas do during pregnancy, but the overall emotional health of the mama, which is often overlooked. And, as a doula, she has seen a lot of different birthing scenarios and so can safely "swaddle" a mama during her pregnancy.

Jesse Herrick
Hamilton, BM

You absolutely know your stuff Nat and have honed your power as a presenter and teacher. The opening meditation was a powerful tool to personalise the experience. Lots of useful information and contacts on the birthing scene in Bermuda and placing what happens here in the context of other countries and the real life stories were very interesting to listen to. Thank you, I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn this from you.

Niranjalie Romeo
Hamilton, BM

Wasn't sure what to expect, but it was so relevant not only for pregnant women but bodies and movement as a whole. Nat did a great job teaching and imparting personal experiences.

Clare Dominguez
Hamilton, BM

Overall feedback of the course is great... it truly opened my eyes to so much I didn't know about the woman's body, what it tis capable of and how natural birth should be. Nat, you delivered the content so naturally and comfortably, I was very impressed. Thank you!!

Ewa Gutowska
Hamilton, BM